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在符合 DIN 标准的滚珠丝杠中,承受载荷的滚珠在丝杠轴和螺母之间的滚动面切割中滚动,同时承受轴向载荷,沿着嵌入到螺母内的回珠器的凹槽移动至相邻的滚动面,然后循环返回到载荷区域。因此,滚珠会进行无限循环的滚动运动。
The pre-load system uses a double nut system in which two ball screw nuts are combined to provide pre-load by means of a spacer, eliminating backlash. The nut dimensions comply with the ISO standard (ISO 3408). This type has improved axial rigidity compared to the other ball screw. SDAN-VX type is a full ball type.